BEAUTY collaborates with Yung Tuenjai, Meet & Greet event with “Kru Toey Apiwat”, the view exceeds 100 million in Ubon Ratchathani.

Beauty Community Public Co., Ltd., in collaboration with Yung Songwarn Group Co., Ltd., is organizing a Meet & Greet event featuring the prominent presenter and singer, Khruu Teoi Apivat. Khruu Teoi is a young male singer from the northeastern region of Thailand who has gained 100 million views. He is known by his nickname, “Handsome Teacher with Recommendations.” The event will also include the sale of BEAUTY’s buffet skincare products, including Water Serum and Body Essence, as well as various activities. The event will take place at the Yung Songwarn store in Ubon Ratchathani.